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研究生 Career Ready with 性别研究

Put 你r 性别研究 minor to work pursuing a career that interests and challenges 你. 性别研究 students understand systems of power and inequity and the impacts they have on our culture, our institutions, and on each of us individually. 他们学习 to research and contextualize information, producing sharp, insightful analyses and evidence-based conclusions.  

性别研究 students show the kind of deep cultural understanding and leadership that is required for clear-sighted, problem-solving analyses of our past and present to create a better future. Perhaps most important of all, our students are educated beyond a narrow curriculum geared towards a specific job; instead, they are poised for success across an increasingly wide array of career opportunities.

Explore the ways to use 你r 性别研究 education during a career conversation 与 Center for 职业准备.

性别研究 at Work

UNC 性别研究 graduates pursue careers in companies and organizations around 这个国家. Among our alumni, 你 will see many working in these industries:

  • k - 12教育
  • Higher 教育/Student Affairs
  • Government Administration
  • 非营利组织
  • 社会服务
  • 法律
  • 医疗保健
  • Libraries and Archives
  • 研究分析


Using their 性别研究 minor, UNC alumni go on to successful careers in a variety of interesting and in-demand professions. Learn more about the popular professions these and other alumni are pursuing.

Office and Administrative Support

校友 working in office and administrative support professions use their transferrable skills to cross over many industries in positions that range from clerical to customer service.



While many alumni working in education-related roles may be teachers, several others use their degree and training in an educational services roles like instructional design.


Social and Community Services

校友 are committed to serving and supporting their communities. 通过非营利组织, social services and public sector work, alumni coordinate and direct programs, outreach and services to improve the lives of others.


Explore 校友 Career Connections

On Demand 资源 and Support

Access recorded alumni career panels and LinkedIn tutorials to strengthen 你r network and professional connections to the UNC Bear Network.

Watch More On Demand Videos



接下来是什么: 罗西格拉泽 is now a Master of Public Health candidate studying Community Health 教育 at the Colorado School of Public Health and a 研究生 Assistant at UNC's Center for Women's and Gender Equity


Recent graduate, 罗西格拉泽, was a recipient of the Bob and Bonnie Phelps Family CAP Award and scholarship due to her dedication to community engagement and contribution,  personal growth and development, and philanthropy. As an undergraduate Human Services and 性别研究 student, Rosie began working in partnership 与 Center for Women's and Gender Equity and the Office of Health Promotion on a campus-wide initiative titled "Project M.E.". This project seeks to provide UNC students with increased access to menstrual products by converting preexisting menstrual product dispensers from a coin operated model to a free model. She also worked as the sexual health peer educator in UNC's Office of Health Promotion and as an event planner for the University Program Council. Amidst their various committments as an undergraduate student, Rosie dedicated her time and efforts to serving UNC's students and to making UNC an inclusive learning 环境.During their undergraduate career, Rosie was interviewed by the 性别研究 department. Check out the full interview here.

性别研究 校友: Update 你r career information through the alumni association.