
由多元化、公平、 & 包含了 教师 & 员工有机会开始或继续参与对话 与广泛的身份包容的关系.

教师 & 员工可以通过注册参加任何研讨会来完成团结起来系列课程 via HR Cornerstone System and then attending educational trainings through the Fall 春季学期. 教师 & 员工将获得结业证书 每个课程都要放在员工档案中.





This session focuses on demystifying the socio-political, historical, and modern iterations 在美国和全球范围内反黑人的运动. 参与者将互动地参与到 understand the relevance of Anti-Blackness to their work, students, and our campus 社区. 通过这个课程,参与者将反思他们的社会化 related to Blackness and racism, distinguish nuance between racism broadly and Anti-Blackness specifically, and develop personalized action plans contextualized by the socio-political, 反黑人的历史和现代背景.


  • 3月5日,星期二,下午2点至4点
  • 4月3日,星期三,上午10点至下午12点


性别歧视 & 性别正义

Explore key ideas and issues associated with gender, gender justice and feminism. Participants are introduced to sexism and learn to identify when sexism is happening while engaging in discussions about ones own experiences with sexism at UNC and beyond.


  • 2月20日,星期二,上午10点到下午12点
  • 4月15日,周一,下午1:30 -3:30


探索股权 & 包含基础 

Participants obtain an overview of equity and inclusion by exploring social identities and understanding current social issues through this interactive workshop that assists students in how to exercise their agency and power as an individual and in collective 行动.


  • 2月7日,星期三,上午9点至11点
  • 3月7日,星期四,下午1点到3点
  • 4月8日,周一,上午9点至11点


残疾 & 可访问性

This session focuses on the historical contexts and the current realities of disability. 参与者将 engage with one another and the presenters to understand the evolution 残疾身份以及这可能对他们生活产生的影响. Throughout the session, participants will reflect on their language usage and potential 对残疾人的隐性偏见. 这项工作将有助于行动计划 参与者将在会议结束时发展.


  • 2月12日,周一,上午9:30 -11:30
  • 3月26日,星期二,下午2点到4点



梦想家区 builds awareness around the lived experiences of DREAMers (student who 被认定为无证件)在皇冠app官方版下载校园. 培训参与者将参与 activities to increase knowledge on terminology and policy affecting national identity, 特权和主张.


  • 3月6日,周三,上午9点至11点
  • 3月21日,星期四,下午1:30-3:30


恒生指数101 -为什么成为一个服务西班牙裔的机构很重要

为什么成为一个为西班牙裔服务的机构很重要,聚焦于三个主要结果.  1) Learn terms, definitions, historical context and critical facts related to HSI’s. 2) 理解 why academic and career success through greater college-attendance rates and higher degree-attainment rates contributes to ‘closing the achievement gap 拉丁裔学生.3)反思当前的制度实践、政策 这些结构可能会影响我们在皇冠app官方版下载与拉丁裔学生的合作.


  • 2月13日,星期二,上午9点至11点


比赛 & 101年的种族主义

This session provides an overview of the history and role of race within US history, 包括它在当代文化中的作用. 参与者将参与 critical analysis of race, ethnicity and nationality, as well as examine their own 与种族相关的各自身份 & 文化.


  • 2月8日,星期四,下午1:30 -3:30


比赛 & 201年的种族主义 

This interactive workshop will provide participants with an overview of modern oppressive systems, with critical examination of positionality and identity within those systems. 参与者将 also examine their own praxis of race by dissecting and engaging 发展与社会学理论.  


  • 3月27日,周三,9:30 -11:30


HSI 201 -成为服务西班牙裔的机构-实践中的“服务”

Becoming a Hispanic-Serving Institution – ‘Servingness’ in Practice, focuses on the important differentiation of being Hispanic serving and not just Hispanic enrolling 达到恒生指数指定. 参加本次会议,了解概念、指标、 and application of servingness (Garcia, Nuñez, and Sansone, 2019) and begin to develop 与您的实践社区相关的可操作步骤和策略.


  • 4月12日,周五,下午1点到3点



灵性 & 宗教认同对话 

什么是宗教?? 灵性? 信仰? 如何提高你的宗教素养? Join us for an interactive workshop exploring concepts related to meaning-making and how we, as a campus community, can be more inclusive in our interfaith engagement.

宣传 & 公平思维透镜

宣传 & 关注公平的镜头

In this praxis-centered session, advocates in higher education gain tools for justice and practice implementing them in their own journeys through an equity-minded lens.


理解 & 为神经分化营造欢迎空间

Grounded in best practices from neurodiverse 社区 and mental health professional standards of practice, participants will learn more about the range of identities under the neurodiverse umbrella as well as how to support neurodiverse needs on and 在校园里.



A workshop that will deconstruct the dominant narratives around mental health in our society and examine how contextual factors such as identity and 文化 inform experiences 心理健康. 参与者将更好地理解各种压力源是如何 造成负面结果,以不同的方式影响他人. 参与者将 learn how to engage with mental health through a more inclusive framework that empowers 治愈与解放.



Through this workshop participants will learn about the unique challenges international students, immigrants, and refugees face navigating transitions to the United States. We will also discuss ways participants can address bias toward immigrant populations 促进跨文化交流.


探索军事文化 & 资深的经验 

探索军事文化 and 资深的经验 addresses the biases, stigmas, 对军人和退伍军人的刻板印象弥漫在学术空间. 学术 institutions often lack a sufficient understanding of military 文化 and the unique 学生退伍军人的经历. 这导致人们认为退伍军人具有攻击性 或者有心理健康问题. 退伍军人面临着向校园过渡的挑战 退役后的生活. 检查这些刻板印象,并带来文化 awareness to campus, we aim to create more inclusive educational environments for 老兵们分享他们的观点,在学术上取得成功.



参与者将 examine socioeconomic status and the wide range of definitions from A类文化镜头. 同学们,上课是一种交叉的体验 will not only acknowledge their SES experience but also how they can apply their knowledge 皇冠app官方版下载的课堂和更大的社区. 参与者将参与对话 about social class and explore ways to begin the disruption of social stratification 在国家背景下.



This session focuses on the socio-political, historical, and modern iterations of 美国和全球的反犹太主义. 参与者将互动参与以理解 the relevance 反犹太主义 in the past and present to their work, students, and 我们的校园社区. 通过这个课程,参与者将反思他们的社会化 related to Jewish 文化 or faith, develop interfaith skills, and develop personalized action plans contextualized by the socio-political, historical, and modern contexts 反犹太主义.



Discuss the challenges queer and transgender folks face and what students can do to 为不同性别和性取向的参与者提供更好的支持.



我们的目标是使每个人都能访问演示文稿和相关材料. 信息 残疾人士资源中心 提前五(5)天通知您可能遇到的无障碍障碍.  

  • 展示对UNC多元化社区的问题和关注的认识
  • Demonstrate knowledge of policies, laws and practices affecting UNC's diverse community
  • 认识并阐明你所拥有的身份
  • 识别和阐明特权标识
  • 认识到在哪里指导个人获得更多皇冠app安卓下载安装身份的资源
  • Identify personal 行动 to support yourself as well as marginalized 社区